Ries Graphics ltd Butler, Wisconsin
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Milwaukee Professional Kitting Services

Kitting ServicesKitting is the useful process of professionally grouping, packing, and shipping individual and separate items as one unit. If your company has one or more items you wish to include with a set of brochures, pamphlets, or catalogues, Ries Graphics will professionally kit them all for you. Our kitting services are offered to save you time and money for all of your printed materials and shipping needs.

Kitting Helps You:

  1. Reduce costs – kitting allows labor efficiency and accurate assembly of your company’s products in a professional package
  2. Manage volume – batching or kitting customer orders can improve your company’s efficiency and accuracy when mailing out your products and also save on package costs
  3. Present a uniform brand – brochures and handouts from your company will look professional and neat when kitted together with your products

We regularly build kits for many of our customers, and we will do the same for you. Our special kitting techniques will ensure your printed materials are packaged, grouped and shipped together in the best, most efficient way possible. You will never have to waste time and money again shipping your materials individually – we at Ries Graphics offer our kitting services to create well-formed, professional-looking packaging for you and your company’s products.

Our Kitting Materials May Include:

When figuring out who to turn to for your professional kitting needs, look no further than Ries Graphics, Milwaukee’s top professional printing company.

Free Printing Quote

For kitting services, contact Milwaukee’s top printing company today and receive the highest quality finishing services.
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